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Conference Programme 2019

Post-Conference News!
A short, 5-minute video of the 2019 Arts Festival Conference and NBFP made possible by the ticketing service provider Musikka can be found here.
Venue: Liepāja Concert Hall Great Amber (Lielais Dzintars), Chamber Hall (Kamerzāle)
Hosts: Timurs Tomsons, Liepāja Concert Hall Great Amber & Jan Ove Hafstad, Sweden Festivals   
NB! The Keynotes*, following Discussions*  and last afternoon sessions* on both days will be livestreamed on NBFP FB page! If you're not in Liepāja, meet us over the wire :)
Thursday, 7 November 2019

“OPEN UP! Inclusive”

9:00    Registration & coffee                       


9:30    Welcome by the Mayor of Liepāja & Liepāja Concert Hall Great Amber              


9:45    Keynote: Whose Festival is it? - A guide to making festivals inclusive*

           Jenny Sealey, UK


10:30  Discussion/Q&A - accessibility*

            Agata Etmanowicz, PL & Jenny Sealey, UK        


11:15  5-minute festival pitches

           possibility for all participating festivals: FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED

           register via


12:00  Lunch and networking                    


13:30  Workshops and seminars             

           (1) Audience development     

           Agata Etmanowicz, PL


           (2) The Aesthetics of Access and Representation (100% practical) 

           Jenny Sealey, UK


           (3) Young audience

           Mocci Ryen, NO


15:00  Coffee & snacks                    


15:30  Workshops repeat           


17:00  Introduction: The Russian Festival Landscape by Ilgiz Yanbukhtin*               

17:15  Russian festival pitches - Winners of the specific NBFP 2019 Call*



18:00  Closing                       


19:00  Welcome buffet-reception @ Civita Nova 6 of Concert Hall Great Amber

           Followed by a bar & jam session

           Sponsored by the Municipality of Liepāja

Friday, 8 November 2019
“LEVEL UP! Exclusive”
9:30    Keynote: Giant Thinking: How to find and amplify the unique voice of a Festival*
            Jonathan Holloway, UK
10:15   Discussion/Q&A - programming & levelling up*
             Jonathan Holloway, UK & Rasmus Adrian, DK
11:00    Coffee        
11:30    Workshops and seminars 
             (1) Strategic Planning
             Paul Gudgin, UK

             (2) Streaming
             Andrew Doe, UK

             (3) Stageplots,
Setlists & Saving the World -
             A workshop about how to greenify your festival and create sustainable impact
             Lousie Lindén & Alina Minkova, SE
13:00    Lunch and networking
14:00    Workshops repeat                            
15:30    Coffee & snacks        
16:00    Mini-presentations: Different forms of Curation*
              Jonathan Holloway, UK; Vigdís Jakobsdóttir, IS and
Agata Etmanowicz, PL
17:30    Closing words by the Host Timurs Tomsons
             followed by a light meal & a farewell drink
19:00    Concert @ Great Hall (Lielā zāle) of Concert Hall Great Amber

              The Suiti Saga (Opera SUITU SĀGA. Pasaules pirmizrādes)


~21:30  Farewell networking at Juliannas pagalms
Unofficial part, not included into the Conference programme


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Photos used on the site are by Roger Hennum, Andrea Rocha,  Arne Hauge, Line Skjærvik, Timo Sirkkala,

Petri Laitinen, Cata Portin, Miika Lommi, Petra Tiihinen, Irene Kangasniemi and Merli Antsmaa.

 © 2024 NordicBaltic Festival Platform

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